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Backstage episode 1: The first gig

Everyone needs it: A goal. Something you can work towards and achieve. Whether long-term or short-term goals play no role. When we formed a band together, we didn't know what to expect. To say it exactly, we still don't know it. But we had a first goal on our common journey: Our first gig.

Thanks to some good connections we could make clear relatively early when and where this concert would take place, but that's when the work started. We needed a set. Songs that we were convinced of ourselves and behind which we could stand. We set ourselves a deadline for writing songs and then they had to be polished. Time was running and soon the 7th of July 2018 was there. Traces of nervousness were written in our faces as well as a huge anticipation.

Saturday morning, off to the practice room, pack up all the necessary equipment and off to Koppigen. Then came the soundcheck. To myself it was the very first one of my life. For the rest of us the last one was a while ago. We couldn't wait to hear how it would sound. When everything was ready we had a first class dinner and enjoyed the last quiet hours.

Back on the concert place we could identify potential listeners for the first time. Family, friends and a few music lovers, to whom we wanted to offer a concert that they would remember for a long time. This was about our debut. The first band started with their last song and we knew the moment had come. Now it was getting serious. Last settings were made, occasional applause could be heard when we entered the stage and so it began.

Everything felt surreal. Stage fright disappeared from the first tone and a routine set in that brought the songs on stage with all the heart and passion we had been practicing for so long before. The hour flew by. I announced the last song, expressed my thanks and everyone gave it all again.

When we heard and saw the reactions of the audience we knew that this was a success. Debut succeeded. Now it can really start and we are already looking forward to many more concerts.


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